Take Action
Vote Early!
All registered voters automatically receive a mail-in ballot by November 5th.
Find an early voting or ballot pick up/drop off location to skip the lines and use your voice before Election Day.
You are still eligible to vote if you are:
On parole, probation, or supervision
On federal supervised release
A person with a juvenile wardship adjudication
In a local detention facility:
serving a misdemeanor sentence (a misdemeanor never affects your right to vote)
Because jail time is a condition of probation (misdemeanor or felony)
Serving a felony jail sentence
Awaiting trial
Share your experience with the Riverside Sheriff’s Department with the CA Attorney General
If you or a loved one have a carceral story regarding treatment in a RivCo jail or by the RivCo Sheriff’s Dept, it could be relevant to the California DOJ’s current investigation into the the Sheriff’s Department. You can contact the Civil Rights Enforcement Section of the California DOJ at the link below.
Sign the petition to #FreeDarik
Riverside County community member Darik Schaaf is facing a life sentence for experiencing a mental health crisis. Darik needs to come home to get the support and treatment he needs. Sign and share a petition for him here.
Help Us Bring our Vision to Life!
We’re powered by community donors, who make our work possible. With your support, we can build community power to heal from and to reduce incarceration and its aftereffects.
ACTION ALERT: Please click the link to download a letter of support to establish a community engagement commission to interact with the Sheriff's department on issues of policing and jail practices. We also want to ensure that all Riverside County jails maintain in person visitation. Please see the letter of support template, put your information in, edit the letter as you would like and email it back to us at office@startingoverinc.org or fax it to (951) 905-1413.