a holistic approach to reentry
Our Mission
Led by formerly incarcerated people, we aim to eradicate poverty & incarceration, and in their places create communities of care that support self-determination and that keep families safe.
Our Vision
Starting Over envisions a world built on empathy and equity, where the humanity of all people is always put first and never forgotten.
Our Model
Based on the A New Way of Life program model, our organization’s hybrid model blends direct services with civic engagement and public policy work. This strength-based model uplifts and empowers program participants through leadership development techniques. Through this model of combined policy advocacy and direct services, Starting Over, Inc. addresses both the direct effects of destructive policies and the root causes of our clients' difficult situations.
Starting Over helps some of the Southern California’s most vulnerable populations by addressing homelessness, recidivism, and reentry. We help homeless men, women and children transition from homelessness and the often associated cycles of poverty, substance abuse, mental illness, and recidivism.
We utilize a multi-faceted approach of service, policy input, narrative change, and civic engagement to co-power system-impacted people to address root causes of inequity.
Through education, empowerment, peer support, and civic engagement, Starting Over has helped over 7,000 men, women, and families since our founding. 79% of the people who have gone through our transitional program remain housed 1 year after exiting the program. People who are system impacted and all other people in need of shelter or housing are always welcomed at our eleven homes.
Staff visit the national All Of Us or None conference in Oakland in March 2022.
What is Starting Over, Inc.?
We’re committed to transparency: view Starting Over, Inc.’s Platinum Candid profile here.
2020 California Nonprofit of the Year
Starting Over, Inc. was named as the 60th Assembly District’s 2020 Nonprofit of the Year by California Assembly Member Sabrina Cervantes (D-Corona).
“Starting Over, Inc. serves as an invaluable asset to our region and has been a tremendous resource to our homeless and system impacted population seeking a second chance to advance towards a brighter future for themselves and their families. Through the nonprofit’s mission to serve our region’s most vulnerable populations by offering holistic reentry services, it is not only working to address the pressing issues of homelessness and recidivism, but also demonstrating that all people have equal value and deserve to live with dignity, even in their darkest times. It is resources such as these that contribute to the vitality of our communities, and for that, I am proud to honor Starting Over, Inc. as the 2020 Nonprofit of the Year for the 60th Assembly District.”
OCPSC Partner
We’re proud to partner with the Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications to deliver statewide public awareness and community engagement initiatives to our region. Learn more at ocpsc.ca.gov
Karen’s Story
Karen came to Starting Over frightened, desperate, and homeless. The Department of Children and Family Services had taken her daughter away because Karen struggled with addiction and homelessness. Her bridges were burned and she had nowhere to go. Karen entered Starting Over, Inc.’s transitional housing and reentry program with nothing to lose. Starting Over provided her with a structured, clean, and safe home environment and assessed her needs to see what other resources and services were needed. Starting Over provided Wellness, Recovery, and Prevention sessions, pre-employment education, career assessment, and other reentry services. Karen's daughter, Kara, is in her custody now; she is an inquisitive and bright little girl with a wonderful future ahead. Karen is now an active parent, a PTA secretary; she works for Kaiser Permanente; and she is one of Starting Over’s most loyal volunteers. Three years later, Karen remains a positive story, but only one amongst hundreds.
When we met Maggie, she had just completed treatment for a drug addiction that began when she suffered a back injury and was placed on pain medication. Maggie had been prescribed back pain medication and within 2 years she found herself quite disabled, addicted, unemployed, and homeless. Her children had been placed in foster care as a result of her condition. She completed treatment, and with nowhere else to go, she entered our transitional living program, and began to work towards getting her life back. She continued her program of recovery, went back to school, graduated to become a dental assistant and worked to be reunited with her family. Today 4 years later, Maggie is one of many active Starting Over, Alumni. She remains an active member in her community, a mother, an employee, and a mentor to others that are faced with overcoming homelessness and the conditions often associated with homelessness.